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Join Ladies of Light- What I do in the community.

Welcome to 'Ladies of Lights and Ladies of Light'—a radiant sisterhood where women come together to illuminate their paths through faith, femininity, and fellowship.

Our community is dedicated to nurturing kingdom women who are eager to be the best woman, sister, daughter, mother, and wife they can be.

Through weekly Zoom calls, we ignite the flames of confidence and self-discovery in every member, empowering each other to excel in all aspects of our lives. With actionable tools, personalized development, including book club discussions and group coaching, we embark on a journey of growth and transformation, united in purpose and sisterhood.

Join us as we shine brightly, building each other up as kingdom wives and daughters of the Most High.

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”She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31‬:‭25‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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Be a Member of My Community and Start:

Rediscovering Original Design: Members will embark on a journey of rediscovery, uncovering their true identity through Christ..

Igniting Godly Femininity: Women will embrace their godly femininity, operating from a place of grace and compassion.

Building Confidence and Skills: Through coaching and resources, members will build confidence, develop essential skills, and gain the tools needed to pursue their callings and assignments.

Sisterhood and Support: Joining a community of like-minded women who aspire to grow and support each other in becoming their best selves.

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Ladies of Light

A 2 days event with CoachTK & Friends


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Members' Community 

Join like minds of individuals who are purpose-driven and growth minded

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